
Plantain can be grilled, boiled, deep fried amd there are so many ways to cook them. This is an indian  version of plaintain fry, staple among the south indians, greats side dish for curries and other vegetarian recipes. This is simple and quick vegan recipe to try. Raw and green plantain are traditionally used, do not used ripe plaintain as this recipe is spicy and savory, you wont believe that plantain is this delicious as you try this recipe. This can be kids favorite if you reduce the amount of chili powder, perfect lunch box recipe. When preparing this recipe for my toddler, i dont use any spice, just fry the plantain and once done i add some cheese on top, this makes a healthy snack by itself.

Peel the skin of the plantain using knife or a peeler, need not to be perfect, if you have few skin fibre left thats fine, it gives nice texture when fried. Im not going to deep fry, rather pan fry them, but it tastes exactly like that of a grilled plantain. Did i mention that plantain are rich in fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B6, about a cup of plantain provides 3.4 grams of fibre. and ofcourse fat free. Eventually we might require a little amount of oil for frying. I recommend using olive or coconut oil, but any oil could be used, it will taste great.

Raw green palntains - 2 thin sliced
salt - 1 teaspoon
red chili powder - 1 teaspoon
oil - 2 teaspoon
asafetida/ hing- a pinch 

PREP TIME : 5 mins         COOK TIME: 15 mins 




Once peeled, wash them in running water, drain and slice them horizontally making thin roundels about 2 cm thickness, do not slice them thick, as it will take time to cook. In a bowl add about half teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of red chili powder, asafetida, a teaspoon of oil, mix well it forms like a paste. Drop the plaintain to the masala paste and coat them nicely, until both side are coated with the masala. Grease a skillet with the remaining teapoon of oil. On a medium flame, once hot, place the plantains as  shown in the picture, without overlapping, so it cooks evenly on both sides. It takes around 7 mins to cook on each side. Flip and cook on the other side until dark browm spot appears. sprinkle a pinch of salt on cooked plaintains, toss well and remove them from the skillet, serve hot. To make it healthy i used very little amount of oil, if you prefer you can add more oil for taste.

Use kashmiri red chili powder, as they are mild and gives great color to the recipe.
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