OATS ALMOND COOKIES ( vegan and vegetarian )


I love baking for my kids, i always prefer to feed them with no added preservatives in my food. So as a mom i try to incorporate all the goodness when i bake, inturn my toddler girl enjoys helping her mom in the kitchen, haha. This cookies pairs well with an evening coffee, they are crunchy and melts in your mouth unlike the regular chewy oatmeal cookie, moreover they are vegan. When making these cookies use instant or quick cooking oats and instead of plain flour i used whole wheat flour, which tastes absolutely great. Just a handful of ingredients is what you will need.
Since i'm making this for kids, i will use little fat, this can also be prepared fat free which i will post very soon.

Instant Oats - 1 cup
Whole wheat flour - 1 cup
Almond flour - 1/2 cup
brown sugar - 1/2 cup
granulated sugar/white sugar - 1/4 cup
butter/oil/vegetable shortening - 4 tablespoon
oil - 4 tablespoon
pure vanilla essence - 1 teaspoon

PREP TIME : 15 mins         Cook time : 20 to 25 mins               YEILDS : 15 medium sized cookies

Begin by preheating the oven to 350F or 180C. In a mixing bowl, add the butter or vegetable shortening, brown sugar, granulated sugar beat well using whisk or a hand mixer, to this add the vanilla essence and combine. Now add the oats, combine well it comes out like a crumble. To this add the whole wheat flour, almond flour mix well so that the fat is well incorporated. To this pour the remaining 4 tablespoon of oil and make a dough. Do not knead, as it might harden the cookies. Just gently form and press to bring like a dough.  As we added oats to this the cookies might not be in a perfect shape, what matters is the taste than shape rite?. Now roll the dough and cut into your desired shape. Place it in a tray covered with parchment paper. To the oven for about 20 to 25 mins. Once done, let it cool down completely before you store it in a airtight container. Nothing beats than eating a fresh baked cookies!. These cookies are perfect for kids and adults much better than store bought cookies as they are preservative free, no added chemicals. Feed your fanily guilt free and healthy.

Recipe Notes
f you need more liquid to form the dough use a tablespoon of milk and form a dough, do not add too much.


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